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The Next Generation
Facilities / Sale starts at 11:00 AM

* All pens are in a covered area and protected
from the weather |

* Auction Ring has 200+ seat capacity |

* Cafe serving breakfast, lunch and dinner (on sales days
only) |

* Cat walk extends whole length of barn for
viewing livestock |

* Consignors are paid for their cattle within
minutes after the last head of the consignment sells |

* Auction ring equipped with air gates |
* Sales are computed through a modernized and
updated "Livestock Auction Computer System"
* 4000 Head capacity
* Over 200 pens of different sizes equipped
with feed racks and water troughs
* Two watering systems - one is a back-up
* Three separate working and sorting chutes
* Four separate loading ramps and chutes
* Auction barn sits on 48 acres
* Receive and deliver livestock 7 days a week
* On site employee that is available 24/7
* A-1 certified 20,000# livestock scale
* Abundant professional office help available
for buyers and sellers
* Sell the best quality cattle
available in South Texas
* Average of 65 different buyers each sale day
* Sell between 60,000 and 80,000 Head of
Livestock each year
* Have "Special Consignment Sales" at various
times throughout the year
* Livestock that qualify, are sorted into
groups by sex, size, quality, etc. and sold as groups.
* The starting price of all livestock sold is
set by the owner/manager
* Fresh hay and water available at all times
for cattle on the yard
* Over 100 separate pens available for buyers
on sale day
* Large holding pens and traps equipped with
hay and water available for buyers and sellers
* Owners and Employees available 7 days a week
* All pens are cleaned on a weekly basis
* All cattle are fed twice a day
* Live Oak Auction, Inc. is a bonded company
and abides by all Regulations |